We value research as it helps us:
• determine how and where we can achieve the greatest impact while providing value for money
• contribute to research on the impact of family connections and prisoner outcomes
• innovate so we can reach more children and families.
Evidence-based research
We develop programs based on our research and studies within Australia and from around the world.
We know that building relationships and maintaining family and community connections helps reduce the likelihood of a prisoner reoffending. The landmark UK prisoner review in August 2017 by Lord Farmer supports this view. It found that prisoners who receive visits are 39% less likely to reoffend than those who do not. His follow up review of female prisoners in 2019, found that “the importance of family and other relationships needs to be the golden thread running through the criminal justice system, with the provision that it is essential to know which relationships are rehabilitation assets in the life of the female offender and which are toxic”.
Community research
We collaborate at the local level to design and deliver our programs. In each location, we map the local service ecosystem to determine what value we can make to the community.
Evaluation methods
We use qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods to develop our programs. We collaborate with children, carers, and volunteers to measure pre and post program outcomes. Our customised database and online reporting capabilities helps us record outcomes and check for child protection issues and other risk factors.
Qualitative feedback from stakeholders also helps with program improvement. Our stakeholders include:
- children and young people
- families and carers
- parents in prison
- employees
- Corrective Services
- local Aboriginal Elders
- teachers and counsellors
- referral agencies such as Out of Home Care (OOHC) providers
Research groups
We broaden our research capabilities by linking with universities (Monash, Western Sydney University, UC, UNSW). Through these links we contribute to research on the impact of family connectedness on wellbeing and criminological outcomes for prisoners.
Our Research, Practice and Advocacy group also helps us with:
- developing evaluation criteria
- collecting baseline data
- conducting process evaluation
- conducting program evaluation
Research Papers
Living with a parent in prison: Learning from young people | A/Professor Catherine Flynn, Kathryn Gor | Monash University | September 2024
Supporting First Nations families with a parent in prison: A realist evaluation of Belonging to Family | Krystal M Lockwood | School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Arts, Education, and Law Griffith University
Mapping the needs and experiences of children affected by parental imprisonment: A national survey | A/Professor Catherine Flynn, Dr Susy Harrigan, Professor Lorana Bartels, Professor Susan Dennison, Lee Huggins and Sofia Grage-Moore | Monash University, ANU, Griffith University | April 2023
Intergenerational incarceration in New South Wales: Characteristics of people in prison experiencing parental imprisonment | February 2023 | Australian Institute of Criminology | Government
Keeping Us Together Program Evaluation | The University of Newcastle
INTERGENERATIONAL INCARCERATION in NSW Prisons and Youth Justice Centres | The University of Newcastle
Maintaining family contact during COVID-19: Describing the experiences and needs of children with a family member in prison | Monash University with ANU and Griffith University
Contact experiences and needs of children of prisoners before and during COVID-19: Findings from an Australian survey | Catherine Flynn, Department of Social Work, Monash University
Journal of Applied Youth Studies V.2 / N.5 / 2018 (JAYS) | Centre for Applied Youth Research (CAYR)
Profile of women in prison in NSW: Executive Summary | Keeping Women Out of Prison (KWOOP)
Profile of women in prison in NSW: Part A | Keeping Women Out of Prison (KWOOP)
Profile of women in prison in NSW: Part B | Keeping Women Out of Prison (KWOOP)
SHINE Recommendations to the NSW Inquiry into Parental Incarceration
SHINE Recommendations to the NSW Inquiry into Parental Incarceration (Part 2)
SHINE Recommendations to the Vic Inquiry into Parental Incarceration
Invisible Harms and Hierarchies of Shame: The distinct challenges faced by children with a parent in prison for sexual offences. | Children Heard and Seen
‘Daddy is a difficult word for me to hear’: carceral geographies of parenting and the prison visiting room as a contested space of situated fathering | Children's Geographies
The Golden Thread: Putting family at the heart of the criminal justice system | The Centre for Social Justice
A pilot of the impact and applicability of SHINE for Kids’ teacher training program | Western Sydney University
Submission to Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry | SHINE for Kids