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Belonging to Family Elders celebrate NAIDOC across NSW

Elders who work with our Belonging to Family program in Kempsey and our team celebrated the week across the whole state this year!


Belonging to Family is an intensive, culturally appropriate program that works closely with First Nations parents in custody who are preparing for release together with their families on the outside. The program aims to strengthen family bonds and build a community support network around the family so they are set up to succeed when reunited.


First stop, the group was invited to attend NAIDOC celebrations at Clarence Correctional Centre.
This was an opportunity to develop new relationships and discuss our work with First Nations mums and dads in custody and the important role Elders play in supporting families to build better futures after release.
Our visiting group enjoyed taking part in the Cultural Ceremonies and activities held throughout the day, with the highlight being meeting Elders from other Nations – Gumbaynggirr, Bundjalung and Yaegl Countries.
Our team member Barbara Cohen from Belonging to Family said, “Thank you, Serco for our DEADLY shirts that were designed by one of the Mob inside. We will wear them with pride.” ❤️💛🖤
 Kempsey team in Clarence for NAIDOC 2023 2 1    
Then, at a youth justice centre, the group was treated to a moving Cultural performance by the young men in custody, including dancing, playing instruments and singing. Many of the attending Elders then had the opportunity to share their own stories.
The hall was packed with representatives from the community and staff at the centre, out in force to celebrate NAIDOC and its significance.
The young people sat on large mats at the front of the room and listened keenly as Elders shared advice and their own inspiring stories about challenges they had faced and how they had overcome them.
Our team member Barbara said that if just one young person took away an important piece of advice that day that helped guide them in the future or get through a hard time, then it was a visit worth making.
The young people sat on large mats at the front of the room and listened keenly as Elders shared advice and their own inspiring stories about challenges they had faced and how they had overcome them.
The young people came up and spoke with Eldres during lunch, and it was clear they really appreciated and respected them for making the effort to travel several hours to support them and share in their pride and NAIDOC celebrations.
One young person who is part of our youth mentoring program told us that SHINE for Kids is the best service and that we show we really care, which was warming to hear.
Our mentors work tirelessly with the young people in youth justice to help them emotionally and practically so that when they are released, they are able to enrol in study, find work and housing and set themselves up for success rather than a cycle of incarceration.
Lastly, back home in Kempsey, our team attended the NAIDOC Family Fun Day!
Always a great time; the team enjoyed meeting local families and connecting with other services to make sure that when a mum or dad is released, they have the right people to go to for support when it’s needed.
Naidoc 2023 2

Belonging to Family Elders celebrate NAIDOC across NSW

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