
Giving children with a parent in prison a voice


We advocate for children and young people affected by the criminal justice system. These children are the invisible victims of crime.


Through our work we:


• help children and families navigate the criminal justice system
• are a trusted, respected and influential voice in the community
• influence public policy relating to the criminal justice system and children
• learn from conferences and other justice sector opportunities
• raise community awareness




Our Practice Research and Advocacy Meeting (PRAM) bridges the significant gap in policy and practice for children with a parent in prison.


The group combines interdisciplinary research expertise, thought-leadership and industry expertise. It includes Australia’s leading criminologists, education experts, social workers, Aboriginal advocates, lawyers and our employees. They make sure our programs are evidence-informed and that children of prisoners have access to opportunities.


Justice Reform Initiative


We are a proud member of the Justice Reform Initiative (JRI) supporter organisations alliance. We work in partnership with JRI to advocate for a better justice system and bring alternative solutions to incarceration to the government.


Together we call for policy leadership and investment in evidence-based programs, such as those SHINE for Kids provides, to deliver better results for families, communities and the whole of society.


With the right support given to families and children with contact with the justice system, we can break the cycle of intergenerational



JRI aims to reduce the number of people in jail in Australia by 50% by 2030.


JRI jailing is failing horizontal primary 2



We are a founding member of the Keeping Women Out of Prison Coalition (KWOOP). The Coalition addresses some of the systemic failures and major human rights issues that affect women in NSW prisons. Other members include Sydney Community Foundation, Community Restorative Centre (CRC) through its Miranda Project, Women’s Justice Network and the Zonta Club of Sydney.



Raise The Age


The national Raise The Age alliance is calling for all state, territory and Commonwealth governments to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Australia to at least 14. Kids belong in classrooms and playgrounds, not in handcuffs, courtrooms or prison cells. We are an official member of this alliance and call for our governments to act now to raise the age of criminal responsibility.



We are also a member of the #RaiseTheAgeNSW campaign.

Australian Child Rights Taskforce


We are a member of the Australian Child Rights Taskforce, Australia’s peak child rights body advocating for the fulfilment of child rights in Australia. The Child Rights Taskforce is made up of advocates, service providers, individuals and experts all focused on achieving child rights in Australia. It meets regularly to discuss upcoming opportunities and events to promote and protect children’s rights. The role of the Taskforce is to hold the Australian government to account on its commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).




Act For Children


We are a member of the Act For Children campaign. Every child deserves a good life. But government policies have left too many children in poverty, in prison and in need of support. Act For Children demands that the government change the way they create policies for children. Learn more on their website: