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Playgroup helped Aaron get ready to learn at child care

Aaron is three years old and attends the SHINE for Kids playgroup every week with his mum Carly. They live together at Numinbah Correctional Centre while Carly is in custody. Carly approached the SHINE facilitator one day at playgroup and said she was worried that Aaron was not getting enough stimulating learning experiences during the week outside of playgroup and she wanted some ideas for activities they could do together.

The SHINE facilitator and Carly lined up some time to brain storm and together they came up with some new educational activities that Carly and Aaron could take back with them to the unit after playgroups. These activities included matching colours, shapes and numbers games and activities to help learn the alphabet and writing skills by tracing letters.

The activity involving tracing letters in the alphabet has especially taken Aaron’s interest. Carly told our facilitator that while he had at first refused to sit with her and do the activity, she had found him ten minutes later quietly working away on his tracing at her desk! She was so pleased that he had taken the initiative to begin an activity on his own and left him to happily work away.

Each playgroup Carly shows the SHINE team her son’s progress with his letters. She keeps all his tracings and his improvement is clear. He’s also learning to hold his pencil correctly and is so proud of his efforts. Aaron is continuing to develop his fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and keep his brain stimulated. Repetition is so important when children are learning.

Aaron and the other children at NCC have recently started attending child care one day a week. The past months practicing his tracing and matching activities have been great at preparing him for the transition to child care and ensured he was not been left behind his news friends.

Meanwhile, the SHINE facilitators have been busy creating new and exciting resources for the mums to take back after playgroup to use with their children. Flashcards and practicing full words are next on the learning agenda!

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Playgroup helped Aaron get ready to learn at child care

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