Our stories

Malakai* has come leaps and bounds from where he started

Malakai* is a bright young Aboriginal teenager and was referred to the Stand As One Mentoring Program in early 2023.

Spending most of his early life living with his mother and younger brother, Malakai had shouldered many adult responsibilities while living at home.

Sadly, after his father was incarcerated without much community or school support, he fell through the gaps and became involved in a negative criminal peer group, leading to his time in custody.

Despite his difficult circumstances, Malakai is a mature, motivated, and extremely capable young person.

Malakai said he would like to be a positive role model for his younger brother in the future and doesn’t want him to be caught up in the justice system like he was.

While in custody, Malakai enjoyed participating in Aboriginal cultural programs and activities that fostered a connection to his culture.

With the support of his mentor, Malakai identified positive goals that he has continued to work towards in the community after he was released.

Family connection also emerged as incredibly valuable to Malakai through his mentoring sessions.

His mentor strongly encouraged this vital connection with his family, and they have been critical in supporting him to achieve his goals during his transition back into the community.

Malakai said he would like to be a positive role model for his younger brother in the future and doesn’t want him to be caught up in the justice system like he was.

With support from SHINE for Kids and his mentor, Malakai recently secured work in the construction industry and says he is saving money to buy a car and maybe even study at TAFE next year!

He is thankful for all the help he received from his SHINE for Kids mentor … and mentioned recently that he hopes to keep in touch beyond the program.

*Names & images changed to protect participant identity

Thank you to Youth Justice NSW, who support Stand As One. 

Malakai* has come leaps and bounds from where he started

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