
Visits, Child & Parent Days and Family Centres

Support for children and families visiting a Correctional Centre.

Supported Visits

Visiting a prison can be daunting. Our trained staff help families arrange visits, navigate the system, and ensure time spent with a parent in custody is positive and child friendly.

Age-appropriate activities and toys keep children engaged during the visit, and our team offer information, practical support, and referrals to carers.

In some circumstances, trained staff can supervise children to visit with their parent in custody without their regular caregiver needing to be present.

Child & Parent Days

Child & Parents Days provide children with quality time bonding with their parent in custody without their caregiver needing to be present. SHINE for Kids staff supervise children and facilitate a positive and child-focused experience.

Longer and more relaxed than regular visits, these days are held throughout the year during school holidays.

A range of age-appropriate activities for young children through to teenagers and a meal to share together provide opportunities for connection.

Drop-In Family Centres

Our Family Centers are located at or near Correctional Centers (usually in the car park or close to the entrance to the Correctional Centre
grounds) and provide a welcoming, calm space for families to drop in and say hi before or after visiting their loved one.

Carers can have a cup of tea, relax after a long drive, change a nappy, and get information about support available to them while their children can play with activities and toys provided.

Why are these programs needed?

By providing information, support and child-friendly spaces, these programs ensure children can maintain or build a strong relationship
with their parent in custody, increasing wellbeing and decreasing feelings of isolation. Strong family connections can also help to reduce recidivism and promote better outcomes for children.

Who is eligible?

All families with children visiting a Correctional Centre. Visit to find the current locations of our drop-in Family Centres, Visits and Child & Parent Days programs.

How do I find out more?

Please contact us via our website to express your interest in these programs.

Parents in custody can contact their local SHINE for Kids staff member or Programs Officer to express interest in Child & Parent Days and support arranging a visit.

SHINE for Kids programs vary at each location and are not available at every Correctional Centre.

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