Media Appearances

SHINE for Kids on SBS News and Sunday Telegraph

SHINE for Kids CEO Julie Hourigan was on SBS News with Associate Professor Catherine Flynn and Vacro CEO Marius Smith on Sunday, the 28th of May, to discuss the distressing findings from our National Family Survey with Monash University, released earlier that day.

We’re pleased to see so much interest in this important issue following the in-depth report about the many and compounding disadvantages children with a parent in custody in Australia are facing.

It’s vital steps are taken by the government now to better support these at-risk and invisible victims of crime, and their families so that cycles of disadvantage and incarceration can be broken.

Watch the segment below and read the report, release and our fact sheet here.

Thank you SBS for reporting on this important issue.

The story also appeared on Triple M, 2SM and 2GB news and in the Sunday Telegraph which you can read here

SHINE for Kids on SBS News and Sunday Telegraph

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