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National Families Week

National Families Week was recently celebrated at our SHINE for Kids Child and Family Centre in Bathurst. National Families Week this year ran from the 15–21 May and the theme was ‘Getting the Balance Right’.

The Carers Group in Bathurst gathered on Monday 20 May and undertook a special cooking class in the kitchen, under direction of a local dietician who had met with the group in the previous month. The dietician had provided each of the women with a ‘healthy cooking bible’, where the huge range of recipes located within the cookbook are cheap to make and easy to construct.

The Carers Group selected some of the recipes to prepare in celebration of National Families Week, such as a delicious zucchini slice with a tossed green salad, and a weetbix slice (which is also a yummy, healthy addition to their children’s lunch boxes).

The women all enjoyed the lunch and got to take home leftovers to share with their families. The women also discussed different strategies they use within their homes to achieve a good balance between family, work, play, and time. The women also enjoyed receiving promotional products on the day such as notepads, pens, balloons, stickers.

The day has really inspired those who attended to get in the kitchen and have fun with their children and their new cookbooks.

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