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My Life Now for young people with parents in prison

SHINE for Kids – helping children and families across interstate boundaries

During 2013 SHINE for Kids Sydney was approached by an Aboriginal woman, Dianne, on behalf of her 10-year-old grandson, Travis, who had not seen his mother since her arrest more than six months before, as she had been remanded in custody in Melbourne. Travis so keenly missed his mum that he was aiming to win his primary school chess competition so the prize money would buy the petrol for him and Dianne to drive to Melbourne.

To maintain this  family connection and reduce Travis' anxiety, we collaborated with Dianne and prison management at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre to allow Travis’ mum extended visits overa consecutive Saturday and Sunday. Flights were booked for Travis and his grandmother and a night's accommodation found.

After the flight, SHINE for Kids collected Travis and Dianne from Melbourne Airport on the Saturday morning, presenting him with an AFL football, education pack and scrapbook to journal his great adventure reconnecting with his mum. The visit was timed so that Travis and his mother could participate in the Prison Invisits Program offering peer support and structured activities.

This emotional and happy occasion reassured Travis that his Mum was coping and immediately reduced his anxiety. As the SHINE worker transported the boy to his accommodation Travis was laughing loudly about ‘face-painting’ his mother.

The next day, Travis and Dianne enjoyed another meaningful visit experience to his mum.

Though it is not known when Travis' mum will be released, SHINE for Kids were able to offer vital support to another child and family in a time of need. Practical information has also been provided about the criminal justice system. Access to video conferencing visits and advocating for an interstate prisoner transfer are also future considerations for this family.

This case study highlights the benefits of providing support for affected children across different state boundaries and jurisdictions, and SHINE for Kids is able to do this.

We are asking people to become regular donors to help children remain connected with their Mums and Dads – it's not their fault, but they still suffer.

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