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My Life Now for young people with parents in prison

A Child/Parent Activity Day is a special day set aside for children of prisoners to spend time with their parents. Other family members do not attend – it's specifically for the inmates and their children. Find out more

Stories* from Child/Parent Activity Days in September 2013

Alexander Maconochie Centre
Monday 23

I arrived at 8am to set up the visiting area. The tables and chairs were already set up. Our volunteer, Taya, met me at reception with the activity trolley while volunteer, Belinda, arrived at about 9am and helped finish setting up.

At 10:45am I met another volunteer, Helen, and the families in reception. All who were expected arrived on time – other than two children who did not come due to being sick. We walked the children down to the visiting area and Sam (Womens Area Offender Services Coordinator) took the two children who were visiting female detainees to the Women’s area.

The families had morning tea and some of the detainees assisted by cooking the BBQ lunch with their children. They engaged in various activities, including outdoor ball games, puzzles, board games, imaginative play and crafts. Some of the children enjoyed decorating small paper maché boxes with their parents which they were able to take home to keep.

Volunteer Lesley arrived at about 12pm. After lunch, we shared a birthday cake provided by SHINE for one of the children, and dessert which was provided by the AMC kitchen. Some of the children then had their faces painted by their parents.

Towards the end of the day everyone assisted in packing up. Helen and Anna walked the children up to reception and all but one were picked up on time.

Bathurst Correctional Centre
Monday 23

The day went off without a hitch. At 10.50am Kelli-Anne (our Child and Family Worker), our volunteer Tanya and two correctives staff greeted the families at the gate and took three children into X wing to see the two inmates. Another family of four children was attending but unfortunately, the inmate did not make it back from a Sydney Court session in time. The family were rescheduled for the next Child/Parent Activity Day on Monday 16th December.

This Child/Parent Activity Day provided indoor activities – puzzles, board games, bingo, Uno, Connect Four, drawing and colouring, painting, moulding clay and the Nintendo Wii. The children also played football, totem tennis and cricket.

The children and inmates settled into the activities quickly, the Wii being very popular. After about half an hour, morning tea, consisting of fresh fruit, muffins and a cold drink, was served, and then everyone continued their chosen activities. Tanya described the day as very emotional – watching a dad play cricket with his two children and seeing the smiles on their faces.

Lunch consisted of fresh sandwiches, fresh fruit and Milo. The children had a choice of sandwiches such as Vegemite, ham and cheese, chicken loaf, cheese and egg.

After lunch, play continued playing until it was time to pack up at 1.40pm. At 2pm, the children said goodbye to the inmates, were escorted out to the gate and handed back safely to their parent or carer.

Child/Parent Activity Days are a wonderful experience for me as they give me the opportunity to witness special moments – seeing children forming relationships with Dad – and knowing that I and many other dedicated people helped to make these special moments happen.

Junee Correctional Centre
Friday 27th

The children who attended the day were all known to SHINE, except for one, so it made escorting them into to the area easy. Many of the families had travelled long distances to get there. All the children and their dads appeared to have a terrific time.

During the day a four-year-old was sitting on the toilet singing 'I wish upon a star that this day could last forever, it’s the best day of my life'. The dads were very appreciative, constantly thanking myself, Damien Morgan and the volunteers.

The children engaged in many games such as Scattergories, UNO, volleyball, cricket and badminton. We also had a birthday cake for one of the five-year-olds. The day ran smoothly and efficiently with two volunteers from the university.

*As told by the Child/Parent Activty Day Project Worker assigned to each centre.

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