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My Life Now for young people with parents in prison

SHINE for Kids commences services at Parklea

July 2008

SHINE for Kids commenced services at Parklea Correctional Complex, with the Prison Invisits Program providing much-needed child activity sessions in the prisons' visiting areas.

Child and Family Centre Cessnock officially opened

7 March 2008

After commencing the Prison Invisits Program at Cessnock in February, the keys to the new Child and Family Centre at Cessnock were officially handed over by the Department of Corrective Services (DCS) to SHINE for Kids.

After the handover of the keys to Cessnock Child and Family Centre in 2008

Child and Family Centre Wellington officially opened

23 April 2008

22 December 2007 saw the first children – a total of eight – come through the doors of the new Child and Family Centre. Today the Hon. John Hatzistergos MLC, Attorney General and Minister for Justice, officially opened the premises.

The official opening of our Child and Family Centre in Cessnock in March 2008

Our premises at Wellington

Putting Your Child First'Putting Your Child First'


When a family member is in prison, children and their carers often feel very alone as they struggle to face a variety of difficulties. 'Putting Your Child First' is a comprehensive 84-page survival guide offering insights to help guide and inform carers, workers and the wider community about the different issues children and young people can face on a daily basis. It provides suggestions and ideas to help carers give their families the best opportunity for a positive future.

Read more about this book, and download the PDF »

Contribution to Excellence in Corrections 2007Two 2007 awards to SHINE

Contribution to Excellence in Corrections award

SHINE for Kids was awarded for our Contribution to Excellence in Corrections by the then NSW Department of Corrective Services.

SHINE was a joint winner with the Chaplaincy Service.

2007 NAB Volunteer AwardNAB Volunteer Award – Large Organisation category, NSW State Winner

We were also the NSW State Winner in the 2007 NAB Volunteer Award in the Large Organisation category in recognition of outstanding achievement in demonstrating best practice volunteering.

We received a certificate and prizemoney of $10,000.

SHINE for Kids commences services in Wellington

7 October 2007

We commence services at Wellington Correctional Centre with a Prison Invisits Program.

Information for Aboriginal Women'Wurin yan wurinwan binga murra warra – To love, to support, to stand one’s ground'


Two books were developed to provide information and resources to Aboriginal women who have a family member in prison. Funded by the New South Wales Office for Women and the Premier’s Department, both were researched and designed by Nikki Read from our Bathurst office.

The first, for the women and their children, grew out of stories and comments provided by Aboriginal women who have been through a similar experience.

The second provides a resource for workers and volunteers who provide support.

A brand new website for SHINE

30 May 2006

This website, launched at the Silverwater Child and Family Centre on 30th May 2006, covers the organisation’s history and vision, and the services we provide to children of prisoners. As well as comprehensive sections on volunteering for SHINE for Kids, making donations and information on our locations including Child and Family Centres, it also provides downloadable PDFs of our various print publications.

DOCS Award 2006Two awards for SHINE for Kids


NSW Department of Community Services Children’s Week Awards

These awards promote the talents, skills and achievements of children and young people in NSW. SHINE for Kids received the Community for Children Award which recognises the efforts of volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to children

NAB Award 2006The award acknowledged the commitment of the SHINE for Kids volunteer program to child-safe best practice for working with vulnerable children and young people. It was presented by the Minister for Community Services and Youth, Reba Meagher at a special ceremony at Taronga Zoo on 22nd October.

National NAB Volunteer Award

Held in association with Volunteering Australia, the NAB Volunteer Awards recognise “outstanding achievement in demonstrating best practice volunteering”.

Following our NSW State award in 2003, this year we outshone 1,200 other community groups to receive both the State and National awards in our category of Health and Wellbeing and a donation of $10,000.

SHINE for Kids Child and Family Centre Windsor

13 August 2005

The Governor of NSW, Marie Bashir AC, opened our Child and Family Centre on the John Morony Correctional Complex in Windsor. Commissioner Ron Woodham of the Department of Corrective Services was instrumental in its establishment.

Windsor Opening

At the same event, the newly appointed Justice Minister, Hon. Tony Kelly launched the Corrective Service Industry’s Children’s Activity Packs. A small step towards alleviating boredom, frustration and anger, the Packs are now available to all children who visit a correctional centre anywhere in the State.

Our brochures reach out in four languages

To feature the name change to SHINE for Kids, our brochure was reprinted not only in English but also in Spanish, Arabic and Vietnamese.

Getting to be a father


Toddler Groups for kids aged from 0 to 5 years started at Silverwater Men’s Correctional Centre. These playgroups were initiated in an effort to familiarise the child with the parent before his release, consequently making the transition for the child and parent easier.

COPSG buscard ballWe decide to change our name

November 2004

Some parents and carers felt that 'Children of Prisoners Support Group' was an inappropriate name. Not all carers tell their children that their parent is in prison; many children don’t want their peers to know. And, while the acronym COPS has unfortunate connotations, COPSG is meaningless and unpronounceable.

There was also concern about the logo – a child with a ball and chain. Whilst it carried a powerful message about the impact of incarceration on children, some felt that it also communicated a sense of hopelessness and despair. We looked for a name that was uplifting, positive and child-friendly and decided on SHINE for Kids which, with its sunny logo, was officially launched at our 2004 Annual General Meeting.

Public sector awardsNSW Premier’s Public Sector Award


SHINE for Kids shared the 2004 silver award for its category with the Department of Corrective Services.

NAB Volunteer Awards – NSW State winner

2003 NAB Volunteer Awards2003

The NAB Volunteer Awards recognise organisations which create a positive environment for their volunteers.

SHINE for Kids received the NSW State award.

Video Visits program launched


Video Visits began linking families with their imprisoned parent through state-of-the-art video conferencing technology. Originally, Video Visits were offered at only three Correctional Centres: Cessnock, Bathurst and Mulawa. In January 2007 the service would expand to all Correctional Centres across the State.

Sea of ChildrenA sea of children


At this year’s SHINE for Kids AGM, we initiated a project which had more impact than we’d planned. Dozens of paper dolls decorated by children of prisoners greeted attendees of the meeting as they walked to our Silverwater offices. That evening, many of the ‘kids’ disappeared – only to be discovered in Correctional Centre offices all over the State – being conversation pieces!

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